Press about Deep Lab:
- Biederbeck, Max. “Programmiert wie Mädchen! Die Tech-Szene muss weiblicher werden.”, 3/12/2015.
- Henke, Lena. “Top Ten.” Artforum, April 2015.
- Lord, Rich. “Carnegie Mellon University hosts portraits of privacy.“ Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, 1/12/2015.
- Muñoz, Alba. “Aquelarre hacker: el ciberfeminismo lanza internet a la hoguera.“ PlayGroundNoticias, 1/15/2015.
- Murray, Ben. “Inside the Deep Lab.“ The Trace, 2/12/2015.
- Pearson, Jordan. “Deep Lab: The All-Women Hacker Collective Making Art About the Post-Snowden Age." Motherboard, 1/12/2015.
- Riley, David. “Deep Lab: Chaos to Complexity.“ Topical Cream, 2/3/2015.
- Schaffhauser, Dian. “What Does Privacy ‘Look’ Like?“ Campus Technology, 1/22/15.
- Smith, Greg J. “Deep Lab, Deep Dive – Book Sprint at the STUDIO for Creative Inquiry.“ CreativeApplications, 1/13/2015.
- Tanriverdi, Hakan. “Your Private Data Isn’t Yours — Maybe It Never Was.“ Matter, 1/23/2015.
- Valentine, Ben. “Cyberfeminists Go Deep on Big Data, Privacy, and Surveillance.“ Hyperallergic, 2/3/2015.
- Valentine, Ben. “Where Are the Women of Color in New Media Art?” Hyperallergic, 4/7/2015.