Deep Lab residency at Frank-Ratchye STUDIO for Creative Inquiry
December 8-13, 2014
Organized by Addie Wagenknecht and Golan Levin
More information here:


During the second week of December 2014, the Deep Lab participants—a group of internationally acclaimed new-media artists, information designers, data scientists, software engineers, hackers, writers, journalists and theoreticians—gathered to engage in critical assessments of contemporary digital culture. They worked collaboratively at the STUDIO in an accelerated pressure project, blending aspects of a hackathon, charrette, and a micro-conference. The outcomes of this effort include:

At the STUDIO, the Deep Lab participants gathered to:

  • Create a 240-page book, visualizations, and manifestos, for release into the public domain;
  • Explore the hidden potential for creative inquiry lying dormant within the deep web;
  • Support its members’ ability to publish anonymously via proxy tools, and a multi-pseodonymous identity;
  • Promote creative R&D to challenge traditional forms of representation and distribution;
  • Continue the work of female hackers and activists like Cornelia SollfrankNetochka Nezvanova, and projects like Anna Adamolo.

The first phase of Deep Lab‘s research and publications are the product of a group residency at the Frank-Ratchye STUDIO for Creative Inquiry at Carnegie Mellon University, in partnership with the CyLab Usable Privacy and Security (CUPS) Laboratoryat CMU, and made possible through support from The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts and the Art Works program of the National Endowment for the Arts

Deep Lab featured the participation, contributions and/or presentations by:

A number of other persons are affiliated with and/or worked to contribute to and support the Deep Lab at CMU: